Only during the heat of the day would I come inside. Our house was not air conditioned, so I'd plop in front of a fan with a good book to cool down. Most of the books were the old children's mystery classics - Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys - that came from my grandmother's house. I suppose they had belonged to my mom and her siblings. Those books were my treasure chest. First, until I discovered those books, I hated my name because I had a hard time learning to spell it, but there it was on the front of every cover - Carolyn. Second, I lived vicariously through Nancy - she was smart, strong, and daring. She took me places I knew I'd never go, and third, she taught me sleuthing skills. I tried to solve the mysteries alongside her, almost never getting it quite right. Even today, mysteries are my favorite genre - especially murder mysteries. I've honed my skills and now often solve the mysteries before the final pages.
Today my summer days are not so lazy, and I don't mind. Tutoring students - teaching them math, reading and writing - and managing my business fill most of my days along with the routine work at the farm - three horses, two dogs, and two cats! But the heart of my summer is the busiest - my grandsons!
I am so blessed! I have three of those little darlings - Gavin just turned two; Cain just turned one; and Channing was born July 13! For many years I have heard that being a grandmother, in my case, Mama Berry, was the best thing in the world. I always agreed, but in the back of my mind questioned it. Oh, was I wrong. Nothing compares with holding those angels, watching them grow, teaching them important lessons, and loving them. If I ever feel down, a few hugs and kisses are the perfect antidote! Tomorrow will be the first time that I will be able to hold all three of them at the same time.
I have been planning a gift for my mother to celebrate our four generations. It was an item I discovered a few months on Pinterest: Now that Channing is born, I can complete the project!
I am eager to spend time with my children and grandbabies, so I have decided to close the school this week. I had told my students' families at the beginning of the summer that I might do this, so most of the families made alternate plans. The school will reopen July 28.
In the meantime, I will be enjoying several lazy, hazy summer days getting and giving lots of hugs and kisses as well as swimming, reading, and catching lightening bugs with my babies!
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